What Is A Filly Horse? 5 Fun Facts About Fillies

As a horse lover, you will wonder “What is a filly horse”. The filly stage is an important period in every horse’s life. At that time, they are full of energy, curiosity, and potential to be trained and grow. Learning about filly horses can be very interesting and you will be surprised by their special characteristics. Their unique features make them fascinating to watch and care for.
In this article, we will find the answer to what is a filly horse and some fun facts about filly horses! So, are you ready to discover one of the most amazing horse terms?
What Is A Filly Horse?
A filly is a young female horse typically under 4 years old. The term “filly” is available until a young horse becomes mature and known as a mare. They will undergo many steps of growth and training until they grow up. Annually, they develop the skills and temperament required for specific roles. For example, various filly breeds are often raised for different purposes like riding, racing, and breeding.

The Original Word “Filly Horse”
The term “What is a filly horse” was coined in the Medieval period. The word is derived from the Old Norse word fylja which means “young mare” or “foal”.
After that, Middle English speakers changed the word to “filli”. They used the word for a young female horse that always tagged at its mother’s side wherever it went. Now, “filly horse” represents the horse’s gender and age, helping us distinguish it from adult mares and young male horses.
Main Characteristics Of Fillies
Fillies have a variety of distinguishing features from other horses. Firstly, the term “filly” just shows age. The typical longevity of a horse is around 15-25 years old. So, they are still growing in body and mind with clear changes in height, muscle strength, etc.
Compared to other full-grown horses, the filly horse is more intelligent and energic. They are very curious and can understand everything that comes before their eyes. They are also friendly with other horses in the group.
Finally, the filly is the perfect time to guide them on basic ground manners and social skills. For example, you can do riding training. However, fillies are still younger horses and not as strong as adult male counterparts. So, you should consider suitable lessons and always keep track of their performance.

How To Care For Filly Horses?
The process of caring for young female horses requires a lot of effort and time. Here are some practical tips that help raise happy, healthy fillies.
First of all, you should ensure a balanced diet with high-quality grass, grains, rich vitamins, and minerals. The reason why is that young horses always need more nutrients to grow faster. Fresh and clean water sources are also crucial to keep her hydrated and digestive system.
When growing up, filly horses require large spaces to run and play. Regular physical activities will develop their muscles and strengthen them. Let fillies join with other horse groups to build trust and good relationships among them. Training and socializing early can minimize behavior problems in the future.
At least, you should schedule routine veterinary care to monitor your filly’s health. Shots will protect her against diseases, deworming will prevent parasites, and dental checks will ensure her teeth are growing correctly. Taking this type of horse to visit will help her grow into a healthy adult horse.

FAQ About Filly Horses?
Are you curious about filly horses? You can explore common questions about young female horses, their characteristics, and more!
The main difference between a filly and a colt is their gender. A filly is a young female horse, while a colt is a young male horse. Both words are used for under 4-year-old horses.
In addition, they will have different characteristics. Fillies may be more independent or shy, while colts are usually more confident or playful. Colt foals do grow slightly quicker and may be more muscly in structure compared to a filly of the same age. These differences become more apparent as they grow into an adult mare and stallion.
A filly becomes a mare when she turns 4 years old. Up until this age, she is often called filly which means young female horse.
Of course. Honestly, a filly horse can definitely be trained! In fact, training at a young age is easier than older ones. Basic lessons will start when a filly is around one to two years old, such as leading, standing calmly, and responding to simple commands.
As they grow, you should guide them through some level-up training like riding, jumping, or dressage. Training should be short, positive, and frequent to ensure that the filly is not stressed but can learn at her own pace.
The answer is yes. However, it is not recommended for breeding at a young age. They can pose some severe health risks to herself and her foal. Note that filly horses should be pregnant when they are at least three to four years old. At that time, the filly has gained the necessary strength and maturity that will enable her to support carrying a healthy foal without complications safely.
Final Word
Now that you understand what is a filly horse and some fun facts about them. Fun energy, eagerness to learn, etc, everything about them is so likable. As a horse lover, watching a young horse grow is truly an unforgettable experience. If you want to explore more about the horse world, don’t miss our following posts!