Are Horses Intelligent? Finding The Truth About Horse Cognition

One way or another, horses have been human companions for a relatively long time. In many parts of the world, people believe that horses are strong creatures, symbolizing courage, steadfastness, and determination. And the question being asked here is “Are horses intelligent?”.
In this article, we will look at the issue of horse intelligence. Can horses solve the problem? In what way do they interact? In short, assessing your horse’s intelligence can help you better understand it, making training and riding exercises more effective and safe.
Are Horses Intelligent?
Of course, horses are intelligent and wise animals, always good friends of humans. It is shocking to note that their intelligence is manifested in behaviors in so many ways. This in turn assists them in moving seamlessly into their living environment and evading threats when needed.
Problem-solving ability
Horses’ incredible problem-solving skills are key to helping them overcome many difficulties. For example, horses learn how to open a barn gate by watching. This means that they learn the circumstances of their environment which they can practically apply and use.
Horses are good at learning from past experiences and this is useful in the solving of problems. Horses do not know how to quit trying for something new, they have to keep on doing something until they get the best solution. It demonstrates how they can sustain a given task and the ingenuity they apply in performing a task.
Thus, horses have the intelligence and the capacity to solve problems. These skills are for handling both natural and man-made settings in one’s life. They also demonstrate how much horses can think and create.
Enhanced cognitive abilities
First of all, horses do have a very good memory. They can memorize other horses and people for years, and maybe, even if they met them for an instance only. If you get close to a horse at the first meeting, the next time you meet the horse will recognize you.
There is one more skill that is inborn in horses – the skill to feel people’s moods and react according to them. Horses can recognize a person’s emotions and often adjust their behavior accordingly, whether calm, nervous, or anything.
Finally, it is important to say that horses are capable of mimicking. They watch other horses and even humans learn new behaviors without having to do it directly.

Ability to adapt to each behavior
The important thing with horses is that they can be trained according to instructions ranging from simple to complex in a very flexible way. Horses often view actions like a pat or kind words as a reward. It helps them recall which actions would be beneficial and employ them to attain the reward.
That indicates the fact that horses are capable of changing their conduct in response to something that may be observed by them. If the external conditions are altered they can adapt their conduct to the laid down or new conditions. This makes them perfect to take along in any setting.
The Truth About Horse Intelligence
There are some wonderful studies undertaken to demonstrate the observing, communication, and thinking skills of horses.
Understand human body language
Horses use body postures to communicate and not necessarily to the species only. They will respond based on what they infer from the signals that you send through your body. You have to be more careful with the signs that you give for your interaction with the horse to become affirmative.
Sense of time
Your horse will get used to the schedule if he is fed and walked out at the same time every day.
Most horses are always communicating with each other in one way or the other. They will neigh, bite, kick, stomp, or even growl in a manner that indicates what they are communicating with other horses in the same group. The main reason is used to assist in keeping off the herd especially when there are storms, other horses approaching the herd, or when the owners of the horses are trying to capture them.
Ask for help
To solve a problem, horses will use tactical signals to alert the people around them for assistance.

What Benefits Do Smart Horses Bring?
Horses, with their intelligence, endurance, and courage, have always accompanied and been associated with humans for centuries. Horses have helped us transport large quantities of goods and grow food; they join us in battle, and they are also companions in athletic competitions. Many rare horse breeds can even participate in formal parades.
Moreover, the intelligence of such a wonderful animal as a horse has become essential in helping people rehabilitate. Horses’ interactive abilities and vitality can be useful for other patients to step out of suffering that they experience and feel relaxed.
There are several reasons why horses are effective therapy animals:
- Most individuals who have a negative attitude towards horses describe them as large and strong. Therefore, interacting with them is the best way to conquer fear and at the same gain confidence.
- Horses are pack animals and are perceptive to signals that are given by those around them. This enables them to develop a rapport and respond quickly through gestures and they always know how you feel even if you do not.
- The horses are wonderful at being able to show their unique personalities and they also can be kind to us back if we are angry with them hence making them highly appropriate pets.
Are Horses Intelligent Than Other Animals?
Everyone recognizes the horse as an intelligent animal. They can remember, solve problems, and communicate through behavior. Compared to other animals, are horses intelligent?
- Dogs: Both dogs and horses are intelligent animals but in two different types of intelligence. Dogs tend to be more focused on humans, while horses can form strong bonds with both humans and other horses.
- Elephants: Horses are not as intelligent as elephants. Because elephants are one of the most intelligent animals on Earth, with higher cognitive abilities than horses.
- Cows: Overall, horses are often considered more intelligent than cows. Because cows are only capable of solving basic problems, while horses have to go through a more complex training process.

Yes, horses have emotions. They can experience many emotions, such as happiness, fear, sadness, and even jealousy. Their emotions are often expressed through body language and behavior.
Yes, horses can recognize their owners. They have excellent memories and can remember people with whom they frequently interact. They express themselves through behaviors such as coming closer, rubbing their heads against the owner, or neighing when they see the owner.
Most scientists think that horses have the IQ of a three-year-old child, however, some claim they can be as smart as a 12-year-old.
Final Thought
Generally, horses can easily be trained in that they can respond to voice commands or even gestures as well as other new commands. That is why people caring for horses appreciate their high level of intelligence, particularly, their ability to understand people’s moods. Thus, the answer to the question “Are horses intelligent?” will show you how to connect with your horse and improve your role as a caretaker, trainer, or rider.